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Daily Deals using AI

Finding the Best Daily Deals using AI

Last Fall, I began toying around with using AI data with aggregating services for a client and ended up launching a series of my own daily deal websites. This was partly to learn how to code the overall process but was also to help myself find personal deals. There’s like a billion discount websites and social media accounts out there doing the same thing, but building this myself allowed me to focus on the exact categories I’m interested in. I eventually launched 5 sites related to topics that interested me and created a few social media accounts for them. The entire process of aggregating the data and then selecting the best daily deals is automated as well as all posts to several social media accounts (sometimes multiple times per day).

BestBaby.Deals: Daily deals on seasonal and essential baby related products. This one is great for even toddlers and has helped me a few times with my own.

BestComputer.Deals: Weekly deals on computer and laptops. With prices on computers fluctuating quite often, this one is best to help to strike when the prices drop.

BestGadget.Deals: Weekly deals on various seasonal and essential gadgets. Every guy needs his gadgets, just like Batman. This one has helped me find things I never knew I needed.

BestPrepping.Deals: Daily deals on long term foods and critical prepper supplies. You just never know when you’ll have power outages (happened to me), food shortages (eggs, am I right?), or unexpected disasters. It’s best to be ready.

BestToy.Deals: Daily deals on a wide range of toys. A child believes they never have enough toys.

If you are anything like me, maybe you too will find them useful.

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